Active participation in creating a resolution to a disagreement while respectfully listening to others

  • I know when to slow things down and think about something before I speak
  • I can disagree respectfully with someone
  • I find solutions when being coached
  • I know who is responsible for developing a strategy for success during cooperative problem solving
  • I try to help solve problems at work, even if it’s my problem
ARTICLE: Cooperative Problem Solving:  Example Document
Full document below OR download the PDF!

The following is a January 2017 version of the “guidance” and the actual document used for cooperative problem solving.

For questions and guidance on the cooperative problem solving process please contact Employee Support Services.


Effectively Managing Employee Issues

COMMUNICATION is the MOST IMPORTANT TOOL to effectively manage employees
Communicate clear and realistic expectations and ensure understanding of those expectations; hold employees accountable to the expectations
Communicate the importance of meeting expectations (the “why”)
Communicate early and often when the behavior first occurs and before bad habits or problems start
Communicate using “I” messages

Cooperative problem solving steps

1.      Identify the issue – (Direct conversation about the behavior, not the person)
a.       “Today, ___(describe the problem behavior)___.  I am concerned because ___(state why the behavior is a problem, focusing on behavior)___.

2.      Gather information – (seek to understand the “real” cause of the problem)
a.      “I would like to understand what happened to cause ___(the problem/behavior)___.  Will you explain what happened to cause this issue/problem?” 
b.      Listen carefully without judgment
c.       Ask as many clarifying questions as necessary to understand the root cause of the behavior 

3.      Agree on the issue/problem – (Clarify the issue and seek agreement by all)
a.      “Just to be sure we agree on the problem/issue and we are clear about what is causing this, ____(restate what you heard)____.    Do I correctly understand what the problem is and what the reason is for the problem? “   

4.      Explore options and possible solutions
a.      “How do you think this problem can be resolved/avoided?  What is your role in preventing this from happening again?”  What resources does the employee need?  Do not offer the solutions, instead ask probing questions to help prompt some solutions based thinking. 

5.      Agree on next steps
a.      Set expectation for implementing identified solutions
b.      Set date/time to discuss progress
c.       Thank the employee

6.      Follow up/follow through as discussed
a.      When employee is doing well, communicate that immediately
b.      When employee is not meeting expectations, communicate that immediately


Employee’s Name:                                                                                Supervisor’s Name:      
Statement of the issue or problem to be solved:  (Direct presentation of facts regarding when, what, who; and why it is a problem)     

Manager’s Position:  What is expected and why

Employee’s Position:  What happened and why

Manager:  Questions to seek understanding using open ended questions

Employee’s responses/input  to questions:

Agreement on the issue/problem: (Manager and employee clarify/restate issue and why it is a problem)

Explore options and solutions: (Manager does not offer the solutions; instead helps the employee consider possible solutions)      

Manager’s takeaway tasks:

Employee’s takeaway tasks:

Closure and follow up plan:  (Recap plan; restate expectations; establish date/time to meet as a follow up):

Created:  1/1/17                  Reviewed:                                             Revised:

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