Soft Skills Checklist

View the Self-Assessment below OR  download the PDF!
Date: ______  Employee Name: ___________________  Job Title:_____________   Location: _____

Behavioral Indicators
Not So Much – OK at It – Got It Down!
1 – Grit:
-    I have a goal and I am completing actions to reach my goal
-    I stay focused on a goal until I achieve it
-    I am able to learn from and then let go of mistakes
-    My self-talk is usually positive
-    I don't give up when I am faced with an obstacle to one of my goals
-    I have learned the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset
-    I keep trying until I get it right
-    I am passionate about reaching my goals
-    I know my responsibilities and I get them accomplished

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2 – Self-Care:
-    I eat healthy foods more often than not
-    I drink more water than anything else
-    I get enough sleep so when I arrive at work I am rested & ready to go
-    I prioritize getting time in nature or with a hobby or just relaxing
-    I am physically active at or outside of work (walking, hiking, yoga...)
-    I use a budget and I am in control of my money
-    Come to work smiling and others will follow you (leadership)

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3 – Communication:
-    I ask clarifying questions to make sure I understand what someone is saying
-    I listen when someone is talking without thinking ahead to something else
-    My first response to what someone has said aligns with their point of discussion
-    I give the person speaking my full attention
-    I listen to other people’s viewpoints and I repeat them back so they know they were listened to
-    I respectfully communicate with all team members at all times
-    I avoid gossip and I call it out when it is being said
-    I avoid interrupting people as they are speaking
-    I avoid finishing sentences for people

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4 - Response to Supervision:
-    I make sure I understand the things my supervisor asks me to do
-    I put a priority on completing the things that my supervisor asks me to do
-    I accept constructive criticism as being helpful
-    I listen to and ask questions about concerns expressed by my supervisor
-    If I can see an issue with what my supervisor has requested, I can discuss the issue calmly and productively with my supervisor

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5 - Initiative:
-    I get right to work without needing to be told where or when to start
-    I regularly put in the extra thought and effort it takes to do my job well
-    I notice and do what needs to be done
-    I dress professionally (advancement, look the part!)
-    I look for ways to improve results on the job
-    I am working with a store MOD and/or Employee Development to learn more so I can advance
-    I take advantage of tools and trainings to improve my skills

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6 - Time / Task Management:
-    I prioritize tasks, and insure the most important ones are accomplished first
-    I have learned the difference between urgent and important when it comes to prioritizing tasks at work or at home
-    I know what tasks I am responsible for and use a list to stay on track
-    I plan my work day by writing down the things that need to happen
-    I put the things I want to accomplish on a calendar
-    I take the time to think about tasks and priorities

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7 - Integrity:
-    I accurately record completed work
-    I can be relied upon to show up for appointments and meetings
-    I always do the right thing – always (honesty)
-    I will question direction if it’s the right thing to do
-    I take notes when I am getting feedback from my supervisor
-    I am honest with myself (+ in G&Os)
-    I take responsibility for my mistakes and clean them up with my team

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8 - Adaptability:
-    I am willing to try new ways of doing things
-    I willingly accept changes to work plans
-    I can stay engaged when I get “re-directed” by business conditions
-    It’s easy for me to shift from one job to the next

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9 - Teamwork:
-    I look for ways to help my team meet our goals
-    I’ll do a good job no matter where I am assigned
-    I willingly accept changes to work plans
-    I make up for shortfalls by others
-    I involve and listen to other team members as we respond to changes in workflow

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10 - Conflict Resolution Skills:
-    I can disagree respectfully with someone
-    I find solutions when being coached
-    I know when to slow things down and think about something before I speak
-    I try to help solve problems at work, even if it’s my problem

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Behavioral Indicators
Not So Much – OK at It – Got It Down!
11 - Performance Management:
-    Delegation and work assignments are clearly communicated and are provided in an organized written format
-    I involve individual team members in developing their own strategies to help them meet their goals
-    I put a priority on engaging the team to work as a team
-    I know my team member’s strengths and weaknesses
-    I hold myself and my team accountable for achieving goals
-    I make the time to recognize and develop top performers

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12 - Coaching:
-    I have learned Retail Operation’s methods & processes well enough to train others
-    I ask for help with coaching from my supervisor
-    When I see a team member doing something that needs correction, I approach that as a learning opportunity
-    I prioritize training and developing every team member
-    When failures happen I engage a team member in strategizing for success
-    I hold my team members in high regard
-    I coach people on positives and focus on their strengths
-    I listen to team members concerns and repeat them back so they know they have been heard

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13 - Advanced Conflict Resolution Skills:  
-    I understand how to “engage” a team member in problem resolution
-    I know who is responsible for developing a strategy for success during cooperative problem solving
-    I set clear expectations
-    I have honest, open conversations around conflict
-    I manage conflict with consideration of the skill set of the individual

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14 - Drives the Culture:
-    I work as hard or harder than my team members do (the power of work)
-    I listen for respectful communication and gossip and I hold team members accountable for both
-    I reinforce with my team that mistakes are a normal part of learning and growth
-    I apply the platinum rule by learning each team member’s communication style and the type of attention that they respond best to and/or need to be successful
-    I believe that everyone is capable of learning and improving
-    I value accountability because it gives focus to our efforts and makes us stronger as teams and as individuals

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15 - Self-Awareness:
-    I have used the Soft Skills Checklist to honestly rate myself on the behavioral indicators for each of the soft skills (ask your Store Manager or District Manager for a copy of the checklist!)
-    I am willing to learn more about soft skills, and work with my supervisor to strengthen areas where I have the opportunity to grow
-    I can side-step a confrontation by choosing to use direct positive communication
-    I recognize when my buttons are getting pushed and am learning to shift from reacting to responding
-    Integrity and fairness are in the front of my mind at all time

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Soft Skill:
Sustained effort over time that is linked to achieving a goal
Listening to others, followed by paraphrasing what they have said and then responding with the intention of addressing what they have said
An activity that promotes physical and/or emotional wellness
After receiving  direction from their supervisor, the team member checks for understanding and completes assignments to the best of their ability
Looking for and acting on ways to improve myself, my results and the results of my team
Planning, prioritizing and completing tasks in an efficient manner, while also responding in the moment to changes
Responding to changes effectively
Doing the right thing even when no one is looking
Active participation in creating a resolution to a disagreement while respectfully listening to others
Working together in order to achieve a goal.
Setting goals, monitoring individual performance and holding team members accountable for their goals
Listening to and mentoring team members
Demonstrates ability to apply the Cooperative Problem Solving AND the corrective action policies and procedures
Takes responsibility for and acts in support of the mission, integrity, morale and teamwork of their work-group
Knows their own strengths and weaknesses (and also mentors team members in seeing their strengths and weaknesses)

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